MIDWEEK MINUTES December 21, 2013

Midweek Minutes
December 21, 2014

I've been a GOOD GIRL this year, so...here's what I want.  I want to be a BIG LOSER in 2014 at Weight Watchers, and I need some help, motivation, and inspiration.  I want a NEW LOOK at Weight Watchers.  I want a GREAT DEAL on my weekly meeting fee.  I want NEW PRODUCTS, I want DISCOUNTS on last year's products, and I want FREE REGISTRATION! 
Your friend,
ear Zig,  
Ho-Ho-Ho!!! I'm SO glad you wrote!  Yes, you HAVE been a good girl this year, and boy, do I have Weight Watchers holiday surprises for you!  Come to the meeting the this week and see all the great 2014 stuff!
We have NEW MATERIALS for all members with a GREAT NEW LOOK!  Wait 'til you see the WW Weekly Magazine that you can pick up each week you attend. We will be offering not only the economical MONTHLY PASS with free etools, but also the 17-Week Pass!  You can SAVE a BUNDLE on the weekly fee by choosing one of those special offers.  See the NEW COOKBOOK, the new PRODUCTS, new BARS, and NEW 2014 KITS!    It's going to be a great New Weight Watcher year! See you there!
Love, Santa!
(Have a VERY, MERRY Christmas, and we’ll see you in the meeting room! –Zig)

of Member Milestones
Superior: –14 lbs.
Hastings: –11.6 lbs.
Marlene S. ( S )
Biggest Loser:
Janice M. ( S )
Kathy T. ( H )

Fending off Food Pushers
Discover effective strategies to help you gracefully stand your ground.
Article By: Cari Wira Dineen and Lisa Thomas
Connecting with family and friends over a delicious meal can be one of the best — and sometimes worst — parts of the holiday season. First, you're facing a temptation landmine. Then there always seems to be someone who makes what you put on your plate their business. One way to strengthen your resolve around food pushers is to practice this month's Routine: Always have a healthy snack on hand. Also coming up with a plan beforehand for how to respond to food pushers can help you be assertive without feeling like you're being aggressive toward them.
Since the reasons and ways people push food on us are as varied as the people themselves, it's a good idea to have a few different approaches at the ready to help squelch confrontations and keep emotional eating triggers in check. Here are a few common scenarios and ways to avoid letting not-so-helpful remarks overshadow an enjoyable get-together.
Food pusher quip: "I made my coconut custard pie just for you. I know how much you love it."
Your comeback: “Thank you, that was so sweet of you! I look forward to this all year so I know you won’t mind if I save it for later.”
If you're in a situation where you're tempted to cave because you think your refusal may hurt someone's feelings, take a minute and ask yourself who will be more upset in the end. Them oryou? Plus you'll have the option to indeed savor it later and track the PointsPlus® values, or quietly dispose of it out of the giver’s sight so you won’t hurt their feelings.
Food pusher quip: "Of course you have to make the family's butter cookie recipe for the cookie swap – it's tradition!"
Your comeback: “Let’s try a new tradition.”
Change ain't always easy. So, opting out of a long-standing holiday tradition is bound to rub some people the wrong way. If having full-fat baked goods around the house is too tempting for you, suggest a new tradition that isn’t foodcentric, like going ice-skating or making homemade ornaments. Or if you really want to don the baker's hat, use Recipe Builder so you'll know thePointsPlus values, and can decide ahead of time how many you’re going to keep for yourself.
Food pusher quip: “It's the holidays! Why do you have to watch what you eat now?"
Your comeback: “Because I like taking care of myself. I love the results and I'm committed to sticking with the healthy changes that have brought me this far."
Don’t let this Debbie downer derail you. Cement your resolve by reminding naysayers (and yourself!) that losing weight makes you feel good, both physically and mentally. And fitting into your skinny jeans is the holiday gift that keeps on giving!
Food pusher quip: ”One more drink can’t hurt, right?”
Your comeback: “I'm fine for now, thanks. If I decide to have another I know exactly what to order."
Most of us want to indulge a little during the holidays – especially at parties and other festive gatherings. And that's totally fine! Just keep in mind that alcohol can cloud your judgment to the point that two drinks becomes four. So do a little research before the celebration begins. Use the Cocktail Cheat Sheet to discover and compare the PointsPlus® values for popular drinks. And pick up a few savvy sipping tips while you’re there.


Have you heard? We just launched our simplest plan

New Weight Watchers Simple Start is a two-week starter

 plan to help
you begin losing weight right away.

Be sure to be at your meeting this week and every week during the holidays!
Were you one of the lucky ones able to stay after last week's meeting to hear about Weight Watchers POWERful new Simple Start program?  

Members are reporting that they are feeling "less hungry" and making healthier choices when they snack at night... how is it helping you?


$5.00 OFF
1. multipurpose Expandable Tote: These fun and easy to carry insulated
neoprene holders come in 3 unique designs and can be used as:
• a lunch bag
• a holder for your Weight Watchers materials
• a tote for your netbook, tablet or e-reader
2. master your meals & Snacks cookbook: Whether looking for a meal idea or quick
snack solution, this book is packed with 150 recipes, including 50 for Simple Start!
Provides delicious, PointsPlus® value friendly solutions for meals and snacks too.
3. Find your Fingerprint: Getting on track to a healthier lifestyle can look different for
everyone, just like your fingerprints. This book is packed with strategies, hints and
worksheets to help you discover what works best for you so you can find the key to
lasting success.
4. Portable Collapsible Steamer Bowl: The name says it all! This fun tool makes it
easy to store food, take it to go and steam your veggies in a jiffy! Plus it comes with
5 yummy steamer recipes.
5. Plan & Track: Completely redesigned 12-week interactive guide that includes:
• A to-do section to plan groceries, meals and activity
• Tracking pages to log food and activity PointsPlus values
• A weekly wrap up to see what’s most effective to make your next week even better!
6. mix & Flip Exercise Cards: This colorful, fun, portable deck of 28 cards makes it easy
to add activity into your day anytime, anywhere. Each card includes easy instructions
and suggestions based on fitness level, plus icons for use at home, your desk, or
outdoors to quickly pick out the cards you can do in the space you are in.
7. PointsPlus Value Stickers: a fun way to tag your own foods and recipes at home.
8. $45 in coupons*: Includes savings on a variety of products found in meeting rooms
and your local grocery store along with a FREE PointsPlus Calculator and skin.

Community Talks: Rising Above the Relatives
When friends and relatives try to make your weight loss their business on Thanksgiving, a little mental rehearsing can help avoid a Turkey Day family feud.
Article By: Jason de Beer

The holiday is just around the corner and many of us are feeling anxious about being asked about our food and lifestyle choices. What do you say when grandma piles on the guilt until you eat a second piece of cake? And what do you say to that brash cousin who asks, “Should you really be eating that?” We’ve asked the WeightWatchers.com Community how they respond to these rude and prying questions. Here’s the advice they had to share:

Planning ahead keeps it simple
STBXADICT knows that “It’s up to you, as an adult, to decide what you will eat. I have a few strategies to avoid the pushy people. One, I eat slowly so as not to be the first person finished. Being the first one done tends to precipitate the 'have some more' comments. Secondly, I have some phrases I use if someone is being particularly difficult. I say something like 'oh, but I want room for dessert later' or 'can I take some home with me for later?'”
“Last year I talked to my mom before Thanksgiving,” says JABBGB. She explained to her mom that although she really loves all the old family recipes, she would be watching her portion sizes. “I also requested that she make some plain veggies as an option; she had no problem adding it and everyone else had some too!”
BARBMINN’s advice is to “Always keep some food on your plate. Food pushers hate to see an empty plate. Keep some of your drink in your glass for the same reason.”

One liners
ROSTERP keeps it simple by just saying no. “No matter how hard they try, my response is simply, "no thanks, I'm fine."
JLAZLO’s rebuttal is to say: "Doctor’s orders, I can only indulge a little and I'm saving it for the wine."
“Like Nancy Reagan,” shares LIFETIMEMO, “just say no! It works every time. No one can force the food down your throat."

Persistent food pushers and nosy family members
SEWINGMRS tells the pushers: "That dish tasted so good that I would like to take some home with me to enjoy during the week. I will think of you, and how much you love us, when we share it at home as a family." She tells the nosy ones: "I can eat anything that you can eat. I just keep an eye on the portion size."
JUNKFORAMANDA says “If someone in the family goes into the ‘should you eat that on your diet?’ spiel, I respond with, ‘I'm not on a diet, I'm following the Weight Watchers plan, and can eat what I want, when I want, in moderation. Thanks for your concern,’ and then change the subject.”
When family members are being persistent. SUSIQ25679 just walks away. "I leave the room; excuse myself from the table by saying ‘I have to go to the bathroom.’ Most of the times, by the time I get back to the table, these pushers and nosy relatives have forgotten all about it.”
“When people try to push seconds on me,” shares RIKKI58, “I tell them that the first was so good that I would much rather take the seconds home for tomorrow so I can savor it again. Then I will take it to work and give it away. I let those who ask, ‘Can you eat that?’ know that I am not on a diet and can eat whatever I want, and then proceed to enjoy my meal.”

Avoiding pressure
“Many people associate love with food,” notices vabelle35. “The more they cook, the more they love you. The more you eat, the more you love them. You just have to learn how to show your love in other ways. When they push food on you, just get up and give them a big hug and kiss and excuse yourself to the bathroom.”
“I find the less I say, the better,” shares JO-SAM. “I don't try to explain or make any excuses. I look over the table and make the best decisions; I take a small helping of what looks good, and savor it. If someone says, ‘Oh, you have to try this!’ I respond by saying, ‘You're right, it looks delicious. I may try that later.’ Any explanation will probably draw more discussion than I can handle. The others are so busy eating, they're not going to notice whether you really try it or not. When you are finished, walk away from the food area!”
When vabelle35 is done eating she just gets up and starts cleaning the kitchen.

Ideas from the WeightWatchers.com team
Patti: “I tell people, 'I'm really trying so hard to stay on plan and you are making it really tough for me!' If you are honest and let them know that you are on plan, most people will back off. If they are people who love you it shouldn't be hard. If they don't love you they shouldn't be sharing Thanksgiving dinner with you!”
Leslie: “My response to people who comment on whether or not I should be eating something is usually; "Anything's healthy in moderation. And isn't there anything else more exciting to discuss than my food?" because everyone loves to talk about themselves more than they like to talk about others!”



3 Reasons to Take an Active Link Assessment
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Hey, ActiveLink users — did you know that you can take an Assessment to start a new Challenge at any time? Maybe you did, but the thought of not seeing your earned activity PointsPlus® values while it was going on put you off?
Well, we’ve made a few changes so you’ll be able to see more information on the ActiveLink website while in Assessment mode! 
Here’s the new stuff you’ll see during your Assessment:
 Earned activity PointsPlus values:You’ll see how many activity PointsPlus values you’ve earned so far today and the day before. These earned activity PointsPlus values will also show in your Weight Watchers Activity Tracker.

2. Activity Base Line: Your Base Line is the level of activity needed to go about your regular daily schedule. You’ll be able to see when you’ve reached it, and then any activity PointsPlus values you earn afterward!

3. A sneak preview of your daily activity: This is our favorite! We’ll show you daily sneak previews of your tracked activity, so you can start getting an insight into your activity pattern. 
Why do an Assessment? With ActiveLink, you first need to do an Assessment to determine the activity goal of your first Challenge. But if you want to, you can do a new Assessment any time you want to start a new Challenge. A new Assessment allows you to measure your typical activity during a week, and ensures that you get an activity goal and Challenge that is truly tailored to you. The most important thing for a good Assessment is to maintain your typical routine; don’t be tempted to be more active yet! The more this week reflects your usual activity, the more relevant your ActiveLink Challenge will be, making it easier for you to succeed.
The Weight Watchers Team

Not Going to Hawaii this Christmas, so I have to get my Exercise in C O L D  Nebraska!  Here’s a
new, FUN  way to do it!  Are you up for it?

BAD WEATHER: If there will be a meeting cancellation due to SNOW, etc., please stay tuned to NTV or KHAS-TV.  I will call them to announce a meeting cancellation by 3 P.M. for Geneva and Superior...and as early as I can (or the night before) for Hastings Saturday morning meetings. You can also log on to their websites where they have weather closings. 
You can also call the Weight Watchers' 800 number to find out if we are having a meeting.

What does that mean to you? Let’s talk about
what’s going to keep you in the game this next week!

Member Recipes
Super-Stuffed Spinach-Feta Mushrooms
PER SERVING (1/4th of recipe, 3 stuffed mushrooms):
PointsPlus® value 2*
Make these tasty treats for unexpected guests... or just for
yourself, if you're craving mushrooms packed with goodies!
12 medium baby bella mushrooms (each about 2 inches wide)
One 10-oz. package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
1/2 cup crumbled reduced-fat feta cheese
Spices: garlic powder, onion powder, salt, black pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray and set aside.
Remove mushroom stems and set aside. Place mushroom caps on the baking sheet,
rounded sides down. Bake in the oven until slightly softened, 12 - 14 minutes. Leave oven
Meanwhile, chop mushroom stems. Bring a skillet sprayed with nonstick spray to medium
heat on the stove. Add stems and cook and stir until soft, about 3 minutes.
Place cooked stems in a medium bowl. Add spinach, cheese, 1/2 tsp. garlic powder, 1/2
tsp. onion powder, 1/4 tsp. salt, and 1/4 tsp. pepper. Mix thoroughly.
Pat mushroom caps with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Evenly distribute
spinach mixture among the caps, about 2 tablespoons each. Bake in the oven until filling is
hot, 8 - 10 minutes. Enjoy!
Simple Glazed Ham with Pineapple
8 lbs Spiral Pre-Cooked Lean Ham, 1/2 a ham & prefer bone in
15 oz can sliced pineapples in pineapple juice
1 cup unpacked brown sugar
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Spray a 9x 13 baking dish with nonstick spray. Place ham in dish.
2. Drain pineapple slices, reserving juice. Place pineapple slices on ham using toothpicks to secure in place.
3. Place ham in oven and bake according to packaged instructions. Typically you will cook your ham for about 10 minutes per pound. NOTE ~ you will be glazing the ham the last 15 minutes of cooking time.
4. While the ham cooks, prepare the glaze. Combine brown sugar with reserved pineapple juice in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Continue stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in spices. Set aside.
5. During the last 15 minutes of cooking time., pour the glaze over the ham. Then, baste/brush ham for 5 minutes with the sauce until the ham is cooked.
Serve with pineapple slices and reserved juice on the side. Enjoy!
Make 32 servings, 4 ounces each, 4 points+ per serving
Holiday Stuffed Portabellas
1/6th of recipe (1 stuffed mushroom):—PointsPlus® value 5*
Not only are these a fun spin on tradition, they're also
portion controlled and AMAZING!
6 large portabella mushrooms, stems chopped and reserved
1 cup chopped onion
3/4 cup finely chopped celery
1 tbsp. light whipped butter or light buttery spread (like Brummel & Brown)
One 6-oz. box Stove Top Cornbread Stuffing Mix
1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray.
Place mushroom caps on the baking sheet, rounded sides down. Bake until slightly tender,
about 8 minutes.
Remove sheet, but leave oven on. Blot away excess moisture from mushroom caps.
Bring a medium pot sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-high heat. Add onion, celery,
and mushroom stems. Cook and stir until slightly softened and lightly browned, 6 - 8
Transfer cooked veggies to a bowl.
Add butter and 1 1/2 cups water to the (empty) pot, and bring to a boil. Once water boils,
remove from heat. Add stuffing mix, cooked veggies, and dried cranberries. Mix until
water has absorbed.
Distribute stuffing mixture among the mushroom caps. Bake until slightly crisp on top,
about 12 minutes. Serve 'em up!

Toasty Marshmallow Sweet Potato Skins
1/10th of recipe (1 skin): -- PointsPlus® value 2*
Is this a side dish or a sweet treat? Who cares?! The
important thing is that it's INSANELY DELICIOUS.
Five 8-oz. orange sweet potatoes, uniform in shape
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. brown sugar (not packed)
1 1/4 cups mini marshmallows
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with nonstick spray.
Pierce potatoes several times with a fork. On a microwave-safe plate, microwave for 15
minutes, until potatoes are soft.
Once cool enough to handle, slice each potato in half lengthwise. Carefully scoop out the
insides, leaving about 1/4 inch inside the skin. Discard the potato pulp (or reserve for
another use).
Place hollow shells on the baking sheet. Sprinkle with cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.
Bake until the edges begin to crisp, about 10 minutes.
Top with brown sugar and marshmallows. Bake until marshmallows puff up and lightly
brown, 3 - 4 minutes. Enjoy!
Chicken and Fruit Salad
1 lb roasted chicken breast, skinless
3 cups spinach
2 medium-sized pink or white grapefruits
2 medium-sized Red Delicious apples
¾ lb seedless green grapes
1/3 cup fat-free Dijon salad dressing
Remove and discard skin from ckicken (if not skinless). Tear chicken into bite-size pieces or shred.
Chop 1 cup loosely packed spinach leaves and leave remaining 2 cups aside.
Cut peel from grapefruit and remove sections with a knife.
Cut unpeeled apples into 3/4 inch chunks.
In large bowl combine chicken, chopped spinach, fruit and salad dressing. Toss to coat.
To serve, arrange remaining spinach leaves on platter and spoon chicken salad over spinach leaves.
Serves 4;  Points Plus Values 4
HG's Candyland Peppermint Pie
Serving Size: 1 slice (1/8th of pie)
Calories: 202
PointsPlus® value 5*

4 sheets (16 crackers) chocolate graham crackers
2 tbsp. light whipped butter or light buttery spread (like Brummel & Brown)

1/2 cup fat-free sweetened condensed milk
1/4 cup fat-free milk
1 small (4-serving) box Jell-O Sugar Free Fat Free Vanilla Instant pudding mix
3 cups Cool Whip Free, thawed
3 tbsp. mini semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 standard-sized peppermint candy canes, lightly crushed, divided
Optional topping: Fat Free Reddi-wip
Directions:Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
To make the crust, crush graham crackers in a food processor or blender (or place in large sealable bag and crush with a meat mallet).
Transfer crumbs to a bowl and set aside.
Place butter in a small microwave-safe bowl and microwave until melted, about 15 seconds.
Add to the bowl of graham cracker crumbs and mix until uniform.
Spray a pie pan with nonstick spray. Evenly distribute crust mixture along the bottom of the pie pan, using your hands or a flat utensil to firmly press and form the crust.
Press it into the edges and up along the sides of the pan.
Bake crust in the oven until firm, 8 - 10 minutes. Set aside to cool.
To make the filling, combine condensed milk, milk, and pudding mix in a large bowl. Mix well.
Fold in Cool Whip until smooth. Gently stir in chocolate chips and about 3/4 of the candy cane pieces.
Once crust has cooled completely, evenly pour filling into the pan.
Refrigerate until firm and chilled, at least 2 hours. (Overnight is best.)
Sprinkle pie with remaining candy cane pieces. If you like, top with Reddi-wip just before serving. Dig in!

Macadamia Butter Cookies
Makes 30
PointsPlus® Value: 3

⅔ c. macadamia nuts
½ c. sugar
½ c. packed brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 egg
1-¼ c. flour
½ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt
⅛ tsp. ground nutmeg
½ c. dried sweetened cranberries
½ c. white chocolate chips
1 T. sugar

Preheat oven to 375 and spray cookie sheets with nonstick spray.

Place nuts in a food processor and process until smooth. Combine macadamia butter, ½ c. sugar, and brown sugar in a large bowl.
Mix well. Add egg and vanilla, mixing well. Combine flour with baking soda, salt and nutmeg. Add to macadamia mixture.
Stir in cranberries and chips. Refrigerate and chill for 15-30 minutes. Form dough into 30 balls. Place 1 T. sugar into a bowl.
Lightly press each ball into sugar. Place balls, sugar side up on baking sheets. Gently press the top of each cookie in a criss-cross pattern with a fork.
Bake for 9 minutes or until golden. Remove from pan and cool on a wire rack.
Trish's Spiced TeaCrystal Light Sugar-free lemonade, 1 Tub 
Crystal Light Iced Tea Mix, 1 Tub 
3/4 tsp ground cinnamon 
1/8 tsp ground cloves 

Mix all the ingredients together and store in an air tight container. Put 1/2 teaspoon of mix in a cup and add hot water. Mixes best if you add water to the mix.
If you can’t find plain iced tea mix, use iced tea with lemon.
0 PointsPlus
Kims’s Yummy Christmas Treats with Mini Bars
makes 20 ( 3 PP each)
2 oz. low fat cream cheese
12 Key Lime or Mint Cookie Crisp Bars
6 oz. Wilton Candy Dips, melted
(White for Key Lime bars and Green for Mint bars)
Use food processor to grind up mini bars
Add cream cheese
Form into balls
Melt the candy dips
Coat the balls with the dip
1 gallon apple cider
2 C orange juice
32 oz cranberry juice cocktail
3 C pineapple juice
1/2 C sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
2 tsp whole cloves

Simmer for at least 2 hours. Strain before serving. May perk in large coffee pot. Serve hot.

93 PointsPlus in whole recipe
Makes approximately 25 servings of 1 Cup (4 PointsPlus per cup)

This newsletter is in no way affiliated with Weight Watchers, Inc. It is simply a motivational tool that I offer to members who attend my Weight Watchers meetings and wish to receive it.
Remove from list? If you no longer wish to receive weekly newsletters from me, please reply to this message indicating "Remove from list" in either the subject header or the body of the message.
I also try to post the newsletter on our private FB page "Zig's Winners" and the Google Blog called Midweek Minutes. Find us on FB and ask to join
our own private support group!


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